The Complete Guide to Co-Managed IT for Vermont Businesses
How Vermont Businesses Are Solving Their IT Resource Dilemma, Decreasing Expenses, And Improving Their Overall Productivity
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In This Guide You'll Discover

​What a co-managed partnership is, and the top 7 reasons other CEO's have made the switch.

A detailed cost-savings analysis that details how this approach can save your organization money.

If a co-managed IT partnership is a good fit for your organization.

An IT Staffing guidelines chart based on your organization's size.
Still not sure if Co-Managed is right for you? Call us!
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What is Co-Managed IT?
Co-Managed IT is a flexible partnership provides a customized set of on-going services and software tools specific to the needs of your IT person or department. It fills in the gaps, supports their specific needs and gives you far superior IT support and services at a much lower cost.
  • It is NOT about taking over your IT leader's job or replacing your entire IT department.
  • It is NOT a one-off project-based relationship.
  • It is NOT just monitoring your network for alarms and problems.
They have bridged the gap between internal and outsourced IT by immediately providing us with continuity and a thoughtful strategy to support the immediate and future needs of our business. Their level of service and personal touch truly made me feel like our business was being taken care of, and I could focus my attention on my job. We are so pleased we made the switch to DominionTech!
Donna Liebert
DominionTech takes IT emergencies very seriously. If we have a major problem, they respond with urgency and show up very quickly, even on nights and weekends. I genuinely believe that the leadership at DominionTech values our relationship and is doing everything they can to put us in the best position we can be from an IT perspective.
Todd Rea
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